Don’t Call Me Beautiful: The Conclusion of the Affirmation Challenge

In these past four weeks I have been on the quest to see if positive affirmations are as positive for you as everyone says they are. My conclusion? Yes, but in a different way than I originally thought they would be.
First, I want to be honest and tell you that I haven’t completed each week the way I was hoping to. During the self-love week I was inconsistent most days, so I decided to combine those activities with finance week. There were also some activities that I had to make up on some days throughout the week. However, I did get everything done by the end.
After this challenge I have a new appreciation for those that say affirmations every day. It’s harder for me to get into this habit than I thought it would be, Depending on the mood I’m in that day also affects whether or not I actually believe in what I’m saying.
What I have taken away from saying affirmations is that, if nothing else, it keeps you focused on what you want to achieve. When life gets in the way it’s hard to stay reminded of what you want to accomplish in the future. Reminding yourself of what you envision for your future helps you to stay focused and work towards achieving that goal. A good example of this was during finance week. One of my affirmations was I am debt-free. Working with this affirmation each day inspired me to start making a plan to conquer my debt in 2019. If I continue on this path there is no telling what I will be able to achieve by saying affirmations daily. The possibilities are endless!
I hope that, if you followed along in this challenge, you got some takeaways from saying affirmations. Comment below or connect with me on Instagram by tagging me or using the hashtag #buddingjoyaffirmatons. If you didn’t get a chance to start the challenge, it’s not too late! To start your own affirmation challenge, check out the intro post and let me know if you are up for it.
Now that our first challenge is over I’m already brainstorming ideas for our next one. If there is a challenge you’d like me to create let me know. I’m always open to feedback and new ideas.