It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Blogmas

I’ve been sharing sneak peeks on social media for a couple of weeks now. It feels so good to officially announce it/kick it off. I’m going to be participating in Blogmas!! I’ve never done anything like this before. Hopefully, some, or all, of my posts will make your shopping a little easier, holiday treats a little healthier, and your Christmas a little merrier.
In full transparency, this was supposed to be a month-long event. Due to health issues, I, unfortunately, had to make the decision to cut it back. So it is now The 12 Days of Blogmas.
Blogmas Q & A
What is Blogmas?
The idea is to publish a new post on the blog every day. Usually, all of the posts have a Christmas theme, at least that is what I have seen when researching it.
Why did you decide to do Blogmas this year?
To be honest, I didn’t know this was a thing until last year, and by the time I found out it was too late. I was introduced to it by watching Caleb Marshall and Haley Jordan’s Vlogmas on their channels last year. I was curious if this could be applied to blogs and well you can see where that led.
Christmas is my favorite time of year. You’ll find out why later on, while this is a big challenge, I’m ready for it.
What are some of your plans for Blogmas posts?
I’ve got so many great things coming your way, including gift guides, healthy Christmas treats, freebies, and more!
I’m also participating in Blogmas, can we work together?
I love supporting and collaborating with other bloggers. If you are also participating in Blogmas, or want to work together in a Christmas-related post, I’m still brainstorming some collaborations I want to do during this time. Email me at or message me on Instagram. Let’s brainstorm!
How can I stay updated with all your posts?
This time of year is crazy busy. I understand that you may not have the time to come back here every day. To make it easier for you to catch up I will be sending recap emails to my subscribers every couple of days. Not subscribed? You can do that now, just in time for the Blogmas festivities to begin.
Ready or not, Blogmas 2019 here we come. I hope you are as excited as I am! I’ll see you back here tomorrow as I share part one of my Gift Guide.
This post is a part of Blogmas 2019. Catch up on other festive topics down below.