Journaling 101 Challenge: Introduction

Journaling can sometimes be one of those all or nothing situations. Either you love it, or a blank page intimidates you. It doesn’t have to be intimidating though! I’ve definitely had my fair shares of days where that blank page is glaring back at me, almost mocking my lack of ideas. The more I have pushed past that, the more I have grown to love journaling. That is what inspired this challenge.
I’ve been wanting to create a journaling challenge for so long now. The timing never lined up, for various reasons, but now it couldn’t be more perfect!! You’ll find out why later in the week. For now I’ll just say that something I’ve never done will be announced soon! Before we get to that news I’ve got a ton of fun journaling content for you.
What Is The Journaling 101 Challenge?
The basis of this challenge is to start with basic journaling practices and tips. Throughout the week you’ll learn about why journaling is important, how to create a journaling practice, and much more. If you are not a writer you may be tempted to sit this challenge out, but don’t do that. This challenge was created with you in mind. It’s my hope that, by the end of the week, you’ll see that journaling can come to you easier than you previously thought.
Like all of my previous challenges, there will be a daily blog post throughout the week. The real fun is over on Instagram. Each day I’ll be giving you daily journal prompts, games, extra tips, etc. that relate back to that day’s blog post. Follow along with this challenge, and share your thoughts, with the hashtag #buddingjoyjournalchallenge. I’d love to cheer you on in your journaling journey this week.
Now that you are all caught up on the Journaling 101 Challenge here are your next steps:
- Become a VIP Bud to get access to our freebie of the month: Summer Themed Journal Prompts
- Go to Instagram to get your first Daily Prompt
- Get excited!! This is going to be a fun week!!
Comments (1)
Why You Think You Can't Journal – Budding Joy
July 2, 2021 at 11:07 pm
[…] Welcome to day 2 of the Journaling 101 Challenge. If you have no idea what I’m talking about you are going to want to check out yesterday’s introduction post. […]