Introducing the Love Myself 2020 Challenge

February 1, 2020

You have to love yourself before you can love others.

I don’t know about you, but that saying used to make me cringe. I just didn’t understand it at first. Then when I started to understand it just irritated me. For someone who didn’t like themselves, but wanted to be loved, this was not the news I wanted to hear. Now I have come to fully understand and accept, why this phrase is true.

It’s not so much that you can’t love people, it’s that you won’t allow them to love you if you don’t love yourself. 

Think about it. If you don’t have self-love, then wouldn’t it be hard to believe that people love you? I know for me, I have struggled with feeling that I’m unlovable. I’ve come to realize that the issue is within myself, more than anything else, This has helped me to realize the importance of self-love. It’s time that I start focusing on finding ways to love myself, not because I want people to love me, I want to do this for myself.

I’ve discovered that self-love impacts many areas of your life, not just relationships. It affects how you view yourself, how you care for yourself, view your accomplishments, the list could go on and on. So you see, it’s important to love yourself, but not just so others can love you. 

Knowing self-love is important is all well and good, but it does you no service unless you take action. How do you take action? I’m glad you asked.

self-love quote

Introducing The Love Myself 2020 Challenge

February is a month associated with love, what better time to work on loving yourself?  I’ve teamed up with five amazing bloggers to bring you a month-long self-love and self-care challenge. The main focus of this challenge will be through journaling. I’ll get to more of the journaling a little later. First I want to introduce you to the bloggers that I have joined forces with to make the Love Myself 2020 Challenge happen. Be sure to check out their blogs and social channels, because we all have a lot of exciting content coming your way throughout the month.


If you enjoy using essential oils Jessica is your girl. You can find her at Sweet & Spicy Essentials where she shares her essential oils journey, along with cooking, natural living, health, etc.. To connect with her more be sure to follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.


Katie is the blogger behind the Between The Lines blog. She shares her experiences and opinions in regards to health, feminism and culture, self-love and more. Check out her blog and connect with her on Instagram.


You can find Morgan at Chica Confident where she uses her 6+ years of content creation to share personal-wellness hacks for a contemporary content creator, business tips + strategies, self-care hacks, etc. to enlighten, enrich, & empower entrepreneurially-minded women! If you are a blogger, she’s got an awesome program to help grow your business, check it out here. Connect with Morgan on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest.


Ruth is the blogger behind Colourful Hope. She is on a mission to end the stigma around mental health by sharing her experiences and providing helpful tips on self-care and personal development. Connect with her on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to continue following her journey.


Sam is an advocate for self-care. You can find her at Here I Mum Again where she shares her knowledge in parenting and self-care, with some lifestyle posts as well. Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Love Myself 2020 Bloggers

Now that you have met all the bloggers I bet you are wanting to know what this challenge entails. Read on while I answer some questions you may be thinking. 

Why a journaling challenge?

As I have mentioned, this is a self-love and self-care challenge. While the two terms are similar there are some differences. I talk about this more in the e-book. Once you download it you’ll see there is a page called Ways to practice self-care, and another one titled Ways to practice self-love. The one activity that is included on both pages is journaling. 

Journaling helps with self-care because you are taking 5-10 minutes to yourself, releasing all the negative out of your mind. Journaling can also help with self-love by helping you to discover who you are and why you are awesome. It can be hard to put pen to paper and write about tough, and emotional, topics, but it’s a necessary activity to grow.

I’m not a writer, can I still do the challenge?

Yes, you absolutely can still do the Love Myself 2020 challenge. Don’t let the fear of not doing this challenge perfectly stop you from this amazing growth opportunity. Whether you write two sentences or two pages, this challenge is going to be impactful if you let it be. You don’t need to share your writing if you don’t want to, just do this challenge for you. Don’t put pressure on yourself to write a certain way, just let the words flow out of your brain/heart onto the paper. 

Love Myself 2020 e-book

Are there any other aspects to the Love Myself 2020 Challenge besides journaling?

Journaling is the main focus of this challenge, but there is so much more we have planned for you. We’ve created a Spotify playlist that you can listen to all month long, and beyond, full of inspirational and relatable songs. I like to play it throughout the day on the days where I’m having a rough time. I start noticing my mood switch by the end of the week if I play it a little every day. If you don’t have a Spotify account you can create a free one right here. We also have some fun interactive posts coming your way on social media, and even more, coming your way all month long.

How do I join?

Are you ready to join us? All you have to do is use the hashtag (#lovemyself2020) to let us know you’re in. To do the journal prompts you can use your phone, a notebook, or even better download this FREE e-book. Not only does it list all the journal prompts, but you also get some tips and motivational quotes. You’ll also get the daily mantra of the day and a reminder of the blog posts of the day and know exactly where to go to view them.

Here are the journal prompts for the first week. If you are ready to begin let me know in the comments and share this post with a friend or two that you want to join you this month.

self-love journal prompts

This post is a part of the Love Myself 2020 challenge. Go follow Sam from Here I Mum Again, Morgan from Chica Confident, Jessica from Sweet & Spicy Essentials, Katie from Between The Lines and Ruth from Colourful Hope, for more self-love/self-care content.

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