4 Ways To Master Working Out At Home

April 14, 2020

How are you holding up? No, really how are you doing? It’s okay if you don’t feel okay, especially during this time. Has your routine had to change at all since we are all now stuck at home? I think one of the biggest routine changes that many people are going through is not being able to go to the gym. It may seem like a silly thing to worry about in the midst of everything our world is going through right now. However, if you are, or know, a gym-goer, you know what a disruption not being able to go is.

I have never been an avid gym-goer, except for my time at college, but I do workout at home. While working at home may not seem like a great replacement to the gym environment, it is at least something. With all my years working out at home I have found some great ways to get that workout in without a gym. I’m sharing them here so that you can get some ideas to try for yourself. Here are four ways to workout without going to the gym. Many of them cost less, if not anything, than a gym membership.

workout at home


YouTube is a great resource for many topics, especially health and fitness. Best of all, it’s free! Although, if you’d rather not deal with ads during your workout, I’d recommend considering getting a YouTube Red membership. It removes the ads and even lets you download videos for offline viewing.

My favorite people to follow for workouts have been Love Sweat Fitness and Blogilaties for strength, and some cardio, workouts, and for dancing I follow The Fitness Marshall, REFIT, and Live Love Party. The key is to look up workouts on YouTube, try a few different ones, and discover the YouTubers, or videos, you love and can get a good workout from.


I’ve never personally tried Beachbody on Demand, but I’ve heard great things. I plan to save up money and purchase a membership one day. There are so many programs to choose from. Remember those Bikini Butt Lift, Insanity, and P90X commercials? This is where you find all those, plus more.

Livestream Workouts

Many well-known personal trainers are now doing livestream workouts for their followers. I believe some gyms may be as well. It’s worth looking into if you want a free workout without having to design your own workout. 

DIY Gym/Workout Plan

This is where I started my at-home workout experience. I took what I learned from a personal trainer in the past,  found a ton of different moves to do, got some equipment, and started my own workouts. I ended up loving workout planning more than I thought I would. I’ll go more extensively into how I plan my workouts and what equipment I use for each exercise in another post. For now just know that equipment is optional, but they do take your workout up a notch. There are so many options when it comes to workout equipment so make sure you do your research before buying.

To close out I’ll give you a few tips to make your home feel more like a gym.

  • Stick to a routine: try to workout at a time you normally do and for as long as you usually do.
  • Use Zoom, or another video chat platform, to get together with your gym buddies to do a virtual workout.
  • Blast the playlist that gets you pumped up at the gym. That is if you won’t be disrupting any roommates or neighbors.
  • Print and some motivational quotes and designate a “workout space.” Hang them there and make sure any equipment you have is located there as well.

Above all, remember that you will be able to go back to the gym again, in the meantime stay safe, don’t over-exert yourself and consult your doctor before trying any new program. Let me know in the comments below if you miss the gym or if you were already working out at home.

*Disclaimer: You should always consult a doctor before participating in any exercise or program. I am by no means a professional. All advice given on this blog comes from my personal experience in my own weight loss journey and is intended for informational purposes only.

Comments (2)

  • Sarah Underwood

    September 6, 2020 at 8:21 pm

    Love this!!!

    1. KellyC123

      September 20, 2020 at 10:45 pm

      I’m so glad you liked it! More content will be coming soon!

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